A keystone tenet at Medfluent is: Focus on making the product great and profits will follow.
This is managed by a clear distinction between development and operations. Our developers don't worry about the price or the complexity of the system. They simply deliver a system that solves your business problems, works with you, saves you money and generates more revenue.
Medfluent systems do not require any capital expense or upfront investment. Our applications can run on your existing hardware. There is nothing to install and no burden on your IT department. We utilize a simple subscription model. And you have the option to pay annually, quarterly or month-to-month.
With anything, you should never confuse price with value. Are we the cheapest? No. And we also aren't the most expensive. What we are is a solution provider who will help you identify gaps in your processes and show you ways to save and make money by implementing a Medfluent system. Our cost effective pricing is competitive, and we GUARANTEE it will pay for itself.